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Archived 11/9/2010

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CVHS Class of 1970
Missing Classmates
Updated 11/5/2010
So far we have been unable to locate the classmates listed below.  So if you are in contact with any of these folks it would be great if you could forward their contact information to cvhs70@gmail.com.  Or let them know about this web site and encourage them to send us their email addresses.
Joanne Adams
Melodie (Adams) Ohmit - found
Cynthia (Adamson) Windham
Alyce (Ainsworth) Parsons - found
William Alexander
Diane (Ananias) Makler
Steven Anderson
Sandra Anthony
Jan Bagley
Glenn Balbach - found
Susan Balzer - found
Donna Banks
Tom Barrs
Pam (Bashian) King
Michael Battin - found
Charleen Bauman
Janice (Becvar) Moon
Tom Bell
Victoria Bell
Jack Benson
Liz (Bernier) Robinson
Diane Bevis
James Bickner
David Birman - found
Karen Blakney
Martin Bode
Paul Bodin
Christine Bogomaz
Mary Bohart
Bruce Booth
Margie Bos
David Bottom
Roberta Bouquet - found
Cheryl Boxley
Jeffrey Breslow
Douglas Brink
Jerrold Brostoff
Janis Bucarelli
Lorie Buck
David Burns
Woodrow Burr
Brian Burt
Crystall Buseman
Laura Callahan
James Cant - found
Richard Carlton
Timothy Caron
David Carr
David Carr
Edward Carr
Nan Carstens
David Chapman - found
Jay Chouinard - found
Diane (Christen) Tohline
Christine (Clark) Warmbrodt
Jeannie Clark
Sally Clark
Sharon (Cobb) Kline - found
Deborah Coghlin
Carol Collins
Rex Conaway
Therese Condon
Joanne (Confalone) Petty
Pamela Cooper
Robert Cordell
Susan Cornell
Margie Corrales
Diana Cummings
David Danieli
Alvin Davis
Debra Davis
Helen Davis
Stephen Davis
Timm Davis
Mike Delgardo
Robert Dingler
Shannon Dixon
Tara Dolan
Catherine (Doll) Machtolf - found
Michael Doty
Lloyd Duff
Charles Duke - found
David Duncan
Charles Dunn
Stephen Duval
Gretchen Earle
Robert Eichelberger
Eileen Ervine
Bettina Evans
Richard Evans
Mark Fairbanks
Frederick Fenton
Carmen Fernandez
Jack Filer
Sharon (Fleming) Dunn
Kathy Foster
Bill Francois
Kenneth Frey
Ruth Fritz
Keith Furrows
Kathaleen Ganschow
Beth Garvin
James Ghoslin - found
Richard Giles
Teri (Gmur) Quirie - found
Greg Godwin
Jim Goecks
Ariel Gonzalez
Marilyn Greenwood - found
Gary Griffin
Gail Grussmeyer
Barbara (Guzzo) Harris - found
Pamela Gwin
Rick Hagemeyer - found
Danny Haley
Benjamin Hall
Gail (Hansell) Thomas
Robert Hansell
Micki Harrod
Jo Ann Hartman
Christopher Hartz
William Hawkins
Steven Healey
Shannon Hearley
Jeanne (Hegemier) Archer
Jeannette Heijligers
Stephen Held
Mark Hellikson
Sandra Henderson
Kathy Hess
Kathy Higgins
Stephen Himmelrich - found
Laurel Hoffland
Richard Hofhine
David Holcomb
John Holland
Marcia Horsley
Judith How
Katherine Howard
Rosalie Howard
Fredrick Huneke
Ginger Hyndman
Gary Idama
Stephen Ingwersen
Dana Jacobson
Brad Jefferson
Patricia Jensen
Llywolaf Johns
Cynthia (Johnson) Himmelrich-found
Douglas Johnson
Kathy (Johnson) Coleson
Barbara Jones
Karen Jones
Stuart Jones
Susan Jones
Don Jordan
David Joyce
Gregory Kaesemeyer
Sue Kambestad
Mike Kendel
George Kenegos
Gail Kennedy
Janet Kieffer
Bruce Kimmel-found
Wayne King
James Kinnear
Wayne Kirchmann
Deborah (Klinger) Tinkham - found
Scott Knapp - found
Thomas Korf
Annette Kramer
Gary Krivacek
John La Rocco - found
Brian L'Argent
Don Larsen
Scott Lawrence
Robert Lee
Kirk Lehman
William Leland
Elizabeth Lichte - found
Jim Licking - found
Robin Lindsey
Joan Long
Larry Lousen - found
Art Ludt
Marilyn Luisi
Bob Lukehart
Keith Machtolf
Michael Marsh
Kristi (Marshall) Glazebrook
Gloria Mason
Linda Mattson
Joseph Mayer - found
Mike Mayer - found
Raymond McCartney
Bonnie McDannold
Kathryn McGinty
Scott McGowan
Michael McGrath
Bonnie (McIntosh) Baker - found
John McKeddie
Beth (McMeekin) Petrowich - found
Sharon McNally
Melody McPhee
Jim Mertes
Cathy Miller
Jim Miller
Kathleen Miller
Frances Moore - found
Robert Moore
Tracy Moore
Rick Morken
John Mullen
Larry Muth - found
Debbie (Myers) Schwaiger
Elizabeth Nelson
Joyce (Newman) Keane
Gay Newton
Joanne Nicotra
Darise (Nigg) Kiesendahl - found
Eric Noland
Rose (Noon) Velasquez - found
Carolyn Norman
Gary Olmstead
Sandra Orban
Robert Ostrin - found
Marc Palmer - found
Thomas Parsons
John Perry - found
Christina Peterson
Lana Peterson
Mark Pickerill - found
Elizabeth Pierce
Randy Pittman
Stephen Poe - found
Marlene Powers - found
Cathryn Pratt
Marcia Price
Steve Price
Steven Price
Joyce Proctor
Lynette Prokosch
Thomas Quinn
Bill Rangel
William Reed
Paula (Reinhard) Cunningham - found
Lorraine (Reis) Peterson
Valiant Rensink
Richard Restivo
Sandra Richardson
William Ridino - found
John Robertson
Christopher Roche
Jeri Roll
Melinda Romero
Melinda Samsing
Richard Sanchez
Laurie Sasaki
Philip Schmit - found
Christopher Schmitt
Jay Schofield
Ronald Schott
Marty Schrader - found
Sara (Schuster) Matulich
Keith Schwaiger
Michael Sealander
Laurence Seaward
Randolph Sewalson
Bonnie Sharon
Aleta Shea
Mark Sieloff - found
Bill Smith
Janice Smith
Michael Smith
Donna Snyder - found
Debbie Sommer
Jeri Spenard
Christine (Spence) Lewis
Debra Spillman
Debra Stearn
Penny (Stevens) Schmit - found
Judy Strand
Lynn Strayol
Thomas Stubbs
Warren Stubbs
James Svanda
Pam (Swaggerty) Steffen - found
David Swim
Mark Taylor
Jane Thomas
Jim Thomsen
Terry Tinkham - found
Maria Tirador
Joanellen Tomsick
Melinda Tooch
Amanda Topper
Tracy (Turner) Harney - found
Dona (Turrill) Schmitt
Eric Vesper
John Volle
Patrick Wagner
Rise Wagner
Linda Watson
Gregory Waychus
Danny Webb
Nancy Weimer
Jeffrey Wells
Carol Weltmer
Trent West
Sandra Whitcomb
David White
Ron White
Cynthia Wilbur
Ken Wiley
Douglas Wilkins
Janet (Wilkinson) Brunner - found
Patricia (Will) Pittman - found
Robert Williams
Joellen (Wills) Tullio
Christine Wilson
Judith Winners
Craig Wood - found
Steven Wood